But I’m also converted because of my husband and his precious, precious Dan. He loves this cat. He got Dan before me, and sometimes I wonder if he loves Dan just a little a bit more. That’s tongue-in-cheek, of course. But I can say there are very few two-legged creatures Tom likes as well as he likes as Dan. They have bonded. Dan’s warmed up to strangers a bit over the years, but originally, only a handful of folks ever even got to see Dan and only Tom or I could get him to purr. Well, I say, “get.” I have to work at it—bribing with turkey or holding him only one particular way (Dan is very much a cat-cat) or petting his chin just so (again cat-cat). But Tom gets Dan to purr by simply walking in the room. Or saying his name. One time, when Tom was away for a work conference, the only single time Dan got his motor revving (cat-lovers know this engine sound) was over speaker-phone.
In fact, when Tom was away, Dan pretty much went into mourning. I came home one time to hear him running down the stairs and speed around the corner only to take one look at me and sigh (yes, literally sigh) before turning around and slowly climb the stairs to resume sleeping on the corner of the bed until the more worthwhile human came home.
Seeing Tom and Dan interact makes me realize just how great some cats—hey, I’m not a fan of ALL cats—can be as pets. Which makes it all the more miserable that we are now at the point of palliative care for Dan and have spent the morning researching euthanasia theories and pet cremations.
This all started a few months ago with some breathing problems and a congestive-heart-failure diagnosis. Yes, for a cat. He’s even on Lasix—you with geriatric family members know this as part of a regimen of old-people drugs for unhealthy fluid-retention. If he were Aunt Bessie, he’d be wheeling around with an oxygen tank and wheezing. We’ve watched Dan go from an 18 pound purr-machine to a now 10 pound old-man cat. And now even the Lasix is doing nothing and who wants to give a pill to a cat that won’t even eat turkey or purr for Tom anyway? And so this coming week will be a long one, likely now the loss of Dan, Danny Boy, Dan the Man cat, el gato from Mancato, most affectionately known as Chingy. My house is covered in sadness.
So sorry to hear about Dan. I know how much he meant to both of you, but especially Tom. Your stories of Dan made me smile and I know the two of you will be able to draw upon those memories in your time of sorrow. God bless!
You sign up for this when you love a pet, but it doesn't make it any easier when the end comes. Dan, you were a good and loyal pet who properly distinguished, through the giving of your affection, your dad and your adoptive mom and friendly guests. May you find Mokey and Wembley and Sara and explain to Sara that Tom isn't so bad.